Warrendale Wagyu are currently working in partnership with farmers across Ireland and the UK. Our unique integrated supply chain allows Irish and British farmers to produce the highest quality Wagyu beef, whilst keeping sustainability at the forefront of our minds. Renowned for its excellent taste, the Wagyu beef breed originated in Japan, but has since grown in popularity throughout Australasia, America, and Europe.
Warrendale Wagyu Ireland work with forward-thinking dairy farmers, to cross full blood Wagyu genetics from Munster Bovine to produce a Wagyu dairy cross. Research has shown that a Wagyu dairy cross is really effective at producing easy calving & hardy animals with outstanding eating quality. Collaborating with our calf rearing & finisher farms, we guarantee an outlet for calves and aim to deliver a high-quality carcass, consistently.

Programme Benefits
1. Breed
- Easy Calving
- Hardy Breed, able to withstand versatile weather conditions.
- Cattle with great temperament for ease of management.
- Easy finishing progeny with outstanding eating quality.

2. System
- Guaranteed market outlet for Wagyu cross calves from the dairy herd.
- Breeders receive up to €250 total payment for each Wagyu dairy cross calf.
- Comprehensive bonus payment available for finishers.
- Heifer and Steer Programme
- High welfare standards
- Low environmental footprint, using grass-based system.

- Expert field team to assist with all aspects of production.

The Wagyu breed is ideal for the dairy beef industry and the Warrendale Wagyu Ireland programme structure is perfectly positioned to guarantee a financial return for farmers and a market outlet for Wagyu dairy cross calves.
If you are interested in learning about the Wagyu breed and how Warrendale Wagyu Ireland can support your farming enterprise, please contact our team today.

Programme Details
1. Payment
- Breeder receives €200 for Wagyu dairy cross calf at 4 weeks of age.
- Breeder receives an additional premium payment of €50 when the animal is slaughtered.
- Comprehensive bonus payment available for finishers
4 Week Old Calf
Slaughter Premium
Available to Breeder

2. Breeding
- Full blood Wagyu genetics used within the dairy herd.
- Calves must be fully vaccinated and BVD/DNA tag tested.
- Calf must remain on breeder farm for a minimum of 4 weeks.
- All members must be approved and fully compliant with Bord Bia’s Sustainable Beef & Lamb Assurance Scheme (SBLAS).
- Jersey genetics do not qualify for the programme.

Warrendale Wagyu Ireland are actively recruiting Farmers to produce, rear and finish Wagyu cattle.
All farmers welcome.
- Guaranteed Beef Finishing price for 2027
- Long term supplier agreements with Market leading premiums
- All calves bred from cows selected on genetic merit
- Exceptional quality and fully traceable Wagyu beef
If you want to join our unique integrated supply chain or learn more about the programme, please come along to one of our Information evenings or contact our team. Telephone: 01-8015000 or 085 2077942 Email: info@wagyufarmers.ie